Friday, December 16, 2005

Foot Injuries and the Positive Side of Winter

I rolled my ankle on a run sometime this week; doing anything but swimming laps has been tough. I erged for the first time in four days today, and it hurt a fair amount, but not undoable. It's just going to be a while until I can put any serious pressure on it.

We've hit finals, so morning practices have ceased as of lately. It's weird not getting up for 6:00 am practice. Nice, but weird. I've found that the best part about this, though, is that practice usually ends around 7:30 and my earliest class during the week is at 9:00. So I usually end up eating breakfast with the team and getting back to my room at 8:00-8:15. Instead of showering, I end up laying down with my headphones on some soft music. It's not really sleep, but it's definitely know, that state of semi-consciousness like before you fall asleep. That 20 or so minutes before I roll out of bed for classes is probably the most relaxing part of my day. I suggest you try it some time.


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