Friday, February 24, 2006


If you've been reading this blog lately, you probably know my feelings about erg tests. If not, I just gave you a link. So read it. :P

So I have no idea why the hell I decided I'd do CRASH-B's.

Actually, yes, I do. I remember the moment pretty well, actually. Last year, my coxswain and I promised each other that we'd do CRASH-B's together, regardless of whether or not we were ready for it. So I guess the question is, how the hell did I allow myself to promise such a ridiculous thing in the first place?

But I'm registered, I lost the weight that I put on over the holiday season (for the most part, at least. I won't be surprised if I'm stuck doing a sweat row for half an hour before my weigh-in ), and I've got my transportation all set up for tomorrow morning.

I've been thinking a lot about the whole thing, mostly on why they make me so nervous, and I've come up with another theory. An erg test really is a test. Let me explain.

So far, the top seeded times are all at 6:20. Maybe there are guys who will show up in the bullpen who can pull faster, or maybe they don't show the elite seeds on Regatta Central, but in any case, the winning time is probably going to be between 6:10-6:20. I know I can't beat that. There's no way I could pull a 6:20 at this point in my life, maybe not ever. Hopefully, some day, I will, but not tomorrow. I know that. So what am I getting out of this, other than the pride of competing?

There are a few things. The rest of the team did their 2K tests this week. I'm fighting for my seat in the varsity boat. I'm also going to race the rest of the guys on my team in my heat, because I don't want some snotty novice beating me. But the most important, yet probably intangible thing that I'm going to get out of this is the knowledge that those numbers put in my head. Like I said before, this is really a test. You put the time in studying, hours upon hours of studying. And then it's test day. The only difference between the limits of the body and the limits of the mind is I know what knowledge I hold in my head. If there's a question to that I don't know the answer to, I know I don't know it. But, if someone asked me "can you go 10 seconds off your PR? How about 20?", I wouldn't have a response. I can only tell you after I get my score back.

You know, I just realized that was a very long way of saying I don't like doing erg testing because I fear the unknown.


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